Flight Master for Mac, for VFR pilots to make VFR flight plan.
Using the 100% Mac interface and the libraries, with just a couple of click the user can make a complete route flight plan complete of magnetic route, distance and time between any point, total distance and time, and fuel analysis in different measure unit. All this for the main and the alternate destination.
Flight Master does all the calculation, but all (or partial) data can be manually inserted too.
Every single flight plan can be saved on disk.
Flight Plan is printable from every mac-compatible printer.
User can create and use 4 different libraries from disk:
1) ACFT: Different aircraft data.
2) COM: communications frequencies.
3) NAV: Navigation frequencies, VOR, NDB......
4) FIX: Geographical data of airport, NAV point, relevant point.
User can create how many libraries he likes and fill them with requested data, save them on disk and switch from one to another.
New in this 1.5.0 version: Import/Export capabilities to/from all libraries and a better print layout !
This is the 68k Mac version. Requires System 7 and 68020 Mac or better.
* Inclusion in Shareware Disk & CDROM is Authorized *